For @HelDC and @ambelies
For @HelDC and @ambelies
For @HelDC and @ambelies
For @HelDC and @ambelies
Could use some help!! Just found THIS in my basement. THIS would be a MOMMY spider & ALL her BABY SPIDERS. ALIVE!
I'm afraid to open these.
12yo helping me attempt to save her Nursing log book/baby book.
Managed to salvage 12yo's first picture.
Soggy basement ass kicking time.
Daffy my supervisor. I think she's trying to tell me it's time to quit for the night.
New boots for working in the basement. Current boots keep sliding on the wet floor.
So glad I kept my steel toed boots from when I worked on the press at the local newspaper. Coming in handy now.
@hotandhumid the way to the ground. Plus a medium one fell on neighbors garage.
@hotandhumid the way to the ground. Plus a medium one fell on neighbors garage.
So 2014 isn't done with us yet. Neighbors tree hit the porch. And now no power.
Bio grandma's and baby keepsakes rescued from basement. At least I put them in Rubbermaid tubs.
My basement at the moment. *tears*
My basement at the moment. *tears*
My basement at the moment. *tears*
Hubs is now convinced it's a spider bite since a white head showed up on it today.
Hubs is now convinced it's a spider bite since a white head showed up on it today.

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Suzanne M.

Cedar Rapids, IA

I don't march to the beat of a different drummer, I dance! Living w/ #EDS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, best way I know how #1dayatatime.



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