Oh, in case anyone thinks about waking me up in morning complaining can't find clothes. Pinned down w/a toothpick!
@MandyMorbid here ya go!
@MandyMorbid here ya go!
@MandyMorbid here ya go!
@Vandamir bought this one at the Ren Faire but need new ties for it. Ones came with are to slick.
Another corset shot. This ones from the Ren Faire.
Did I show off my corset?
Amount of meds on daily basis to keep me alive & pain level "reasonable" is staggering. #chronicallyawesome
Not me performing as I didn't know this particular dance, but three of my classmates. #CRPride
Not me performing as I didn't know this particular dance, but three of my classmates. #CRPride
Break time is almost over but she looks so comphy!
More pics of hubs in a suit. I've only seen 3x in 20yrs & 1 was today!
More pics of hubs in a suit. I've only seen 3x in 20yrs & 1 was today!
More pics of hubs in a suit. I've only seen 3x in 20yrs & 1 was today!
Hubs job interview went well. They want him. They just can't afford him. Offered him what he currently makes.
Oh, I also made her petticoat.
2 more pics of dress. Sleeves were supposed 2b longer. I cut pattern in half so wouldn't trip!
2 more pics of dress. Sleeves were supposed 2b longer. I cut pattern in half so wouldn't trip!
And my dress for the Renaissance Faire. Or what's done thus far.
Pics of youngest in dress for Renaissance Faire this weekend. Had her try it on tonight to make sure it still fit.
Made some progress on my Ren dress last night. Doesn't hang well.
Made some progress on my Ren dress last night. Doesn't hang well.
Made some progress on my Ren dress last night. Doesn't hang well.
He cleans up nice! (Face removed at hubs request)

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Suzanne M.

Cedar Rapids, IA

I don't march to the beat of a different drummer, I dance! Living w/ #EDS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, best way I know how #1dayatatime.

web merilizzie.com/


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