You can't feel your way into an action but you can act your way into a feeling - #Sexperiment @LisaYoungFC
We went food-trucking AND clothes-trucking in under 60 min! How we do! #Lunchtime #OnlyInMiami (@Kathypena, @zonichiwa)
Where's my lunch? I'm hungry! Err, I mean...thank you for cooking babe
I cling to you; your right hand upholds me. (Psalm 63:8 NIV) #Worship (@cbglades)
Yay! ( @TCMooney &  @KodieBrown) #GoingToTheChapel #Love
As if #RushHour can't get any worse. Only in #Miami
What's this? ANYTHING frm a locker combo 2 an important psswrd. I need 2 stop writing #'s on stickies w/o add'l info
@handmadekate and here is the final product ☺
She may not want to go back home. You've been warned #AdventuresInBabysitting (@buttap, @Itsknuff)
@Itsknuff who's that chick and where's @buttap?? #Flashback
Um, I either inadvertently teleported to a foreign country or #Pandora's gone haywire. I will look for natives and see.
Yep. This is happening. #FeedMyFace
Done! RT @cbglades Wear YELLOW today for @PastorDHughes birthday weekend! See you soon!
Pet peeve #pun
Well then I'm leaving...
Only in #Miami #PinkIsIn
"Forgiveness doesn't mean forfeiting justice but appealing your case to a higher court." (Rom 12:19-20) -@PastorDHughes
I was wondering where my pillow went after changing the sheets...I was also wondering why all was so quiet...
Wow. I must still be jet-lagged. Thank God for boots.
I am right here. Right now. Blessed. #Barcelona #Starbucks
Came "home" to find these from  @Luisrod11 :) miss you too babe! Will see you soon!
Another reason to move to Europe: men's RR line longer that women's

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