This is definitely worse than the annoying people who use Rev or Pastor in their twitter/Facebook/email names! #fb
Looking forward to being perched on top of a cable tray for the rest of the night! #fb
Roommate has his mp3 playing on speaker while eating dinner in a restaurant. Can still hear the smacking #FML #fb
Bad wreck. Houston folk ate not great drivers. #fb
Some good preaching on living a blessed life @NorthstarChurch this morning. #digitalamen
Just got through my first session on this one pretty excited.
I have reached the promise land In front death valley behind me mike roars to make sure you know where you are #fb
@DMosley here's mine
Stumbled across this church that was Est in 1899 today on the ride. #fb
Student ministry is way better when done while enjoying these.  #fb
I apologize to all Alaskan males in their mid 20s for stealing this gem. But let's face it you would too. #fb
Wife ok'd a anniversary gift it might turn out something like this.
Apparently this is a acceptable position for your child to ride in.  #parentingfail #fb
@jennyecklund I chose the pair on top. Liked the boots but....
@jennyecklund right or left?
Here's proof that it could be worse. Don't know who this is but it's the funniest pic i've seen in while.   #fb
The voices in my head: "How's that theology degree treating you?" Me: "not to bad I guess. Could be worse."
It's always nice to put something together for $5 instead of paying $28 @ urban outfitters.
I could get use to this! Pastor needs to take vacation more often. #fb
My wife is way prettier than yours.   #fb
@chadswanzy wanna trade? Student ministry just gives me a excuse to pretend I'm a kid again.
Chelsea & I couldn't come to a agreement on when I could wear these outside of my pants. So I didn't buy them. #fb
Why do I have to deal with my HOA constantly while my neighbors yard looks this bad? I've had it had it had it #fb

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