[Image] You are not a slave...
‎[Image] Corporatoracy Chain of Command (CCC)...
[Image] One day the #poor will have nothing left to eat but the #rich...
‎[Image] You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, you're engaging in class warfare...
‎[Image] ♪♫ '...old pirates yes they rob i... sold i to the merchant ships...' ♪♫
John Adams: There are two ways to #conquer and #enslave a #country. One is by the #sword. The other is by #debt...
[Image] Keep Spending & Stay In #Debt...
[Image] Don't worry #Africa, We'll go away when we finish! :)  #oil #war #globalchange
[Image] Mark Twain: #Irreverence is the champion of #liberty and it's only #defense.
[Image] Andrew Jackson: When you get in #debt you become a #slave...
‎[Image] This is progressiveness #Democrats & #Republicans can really get behind!
[Image] Palestine vs Native Palestinians & America vs Native Americans...
[Image] Tyler Durden: Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can by shit we don't need...
[Image] Too Pig To Fail...
[Image] The audacity of Occupy...
[Image] #OccupyYourProfile
‎[Image] I drink your milkshake ~ Daniel Plainview...
[Image] It's pretty amazing that our society has reached a point...
[Image] Send the rich to war! / Fight the rich, not wars!
[Image] They say the #child shall lead... So I take it far as I can and then we shall see ~ Jay-Z
[Image] #Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the #light.
[Image] Breaking News: Anonymous Rogue Wave Hits Wall Street!
Luke Skywalker: I AM THE 99%
[Flowchart] Scientific Method vs Religious Modality...  #atheism #agnostic #faith #belief #science #logic #religion

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Mystic Politics

Vatican City, Babylon, USA

Mystic Politics. The fusion of the mystery schools & the modern political structure. From ancient astronauts to the new world order. Listen

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