I like the sounds of this.
Out for a run.
I'm not sure what about this sleep cycle made the app want to wake me up before my alarm again.
Sat down with dandelion tea to do admin fir my committee position next to these lovelies from @MickGeorge and THEN ...
A big thanks to @t_a_n_y_a the Cookie Fairy for her newest delivery - Lemon Butter. Approved by Ms3!
Kid won't leave the lemon butter alone. 
Me: You'd think this kid had never had lemon butter before!
Ms3: I haven't!
Eggs: Organic Vegetable omelette.
Ms3 gave me these this morning. (pic 1). She put them here. (pic 2)
Ms3 gave me these this morning. (pic 1). She put them here. (pic 2)
My kinder class photo facial expression and Ms3's in this pic from the circus are the same!
My kinder class photo facial expression and Ms3's in this pic from the circus are the same!
.@Dom_innate Spew? You reckon? Purple frothy spew that smells like roses maybe?
It's blue inside! #smallthings #needtogetoutmore
Bath bomb time!
.@adam_phelps @RugbyByDilbert @djanae @davo_77 @cooperc23 Pedicures in class, does it get any better?
Finally got a manicure I am happy with at school yesterday. Woohoo!
@stormbikes You're a step ahead of me! I just pulled thus down off the fridge. Writing shopping list now.
@ohwir No, but my parents do, they have two. It was blazing today, had to strip a layer from C, she was rosy-cheeked!
@Strap30 Oh doona, yes. No carpet. Am in bed already. So sleep even after a solid 8 hours Kip last night.
@Strap30 Ugh. And now?
7:59pm Saturday night.

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