Cool dude good friend Naruoka san!

Now drinking at Baird's Harajuku taproom.  I need my fix of Suruga Bay 2IPA.
I wish my brewhouse was bigger!!

1343L Whirlpool
Max 1240L to fermenter
Lot's of slappin' work coming my way...
Good morning Tokyo!
Good times in Tokyo with a fellow brewer friend from Brooklyn...
Loads of hops at the end of the boil and in the whirlpool.  A first time thing at Coedo brewery...
More and more girls in the brewing industry please :)
Low attenuation Nigori sake.
Good stuff.
A short movie in a Foggy Brewery.
Coedo's fermentation room.
Jeff the man @ProhibitionPig feeding us with their new house Pale Ale.  Such a beautiful beer!

Thank you brother!
LunchTime with my dearest friend @jfgravelddc at Dieu du Ciel in St-Jerôme @Brasseries_DDC
The aces of spades!
Finally...  My First time in 15 years at l'Autre Oeil in Aylmer (Gatineau).

Black IpA Dunham on T.A.P.

Doesn't have to be big and Fancy...  Well made and drank fresh, this is in my top style of beer on earth: Kölsch.
First attempt at trying to draw a 3D plan of my brewery with SketchUp application.

Nice scenery anyways... :)
@BrasserieSenne @Ochamebim Black in Japan/Kuro Oni collabo just arrived in Japan!
Merci beaucoup chers frères!
Feel like I need a slice of Toronto vibrating in my whole body right now.

Sip' that Rosée d'Hibiscus for me Homies!
Good night from Tokyo!
At Spiegelau new IPA glass japanese debut conference. @StoneBrewingCo IPA never tasted that good!

One of my special places on earth. Simple. But always brings back the balance I need in my life.
My ocean view room for the weekend...
@FW_Brewmaster Hey brother!  Drinking this in Downtown Shibuya, Tokyo.
Wish I could be at Firestone right now.Cheers!
It's been a while...
Good to be back!

At Baird Brewing in Numazu, Shizuoka, Japan.
@ratebeer Check out the picture.  Cheers!

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Luc Bim Lafontaine

Tokyo, Japan

Was Head brewer at Dieu du Ciel in Montreal. Now dedicating heart & soul in my new brewery project in Japan. Kanpai!


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