Finally got my Mexican !!
Wonder where this shitdick is from??
Got my newest project home safe n sound, now the teardown begins! Thank goodness for heated garages cuz it's fuckin cold n snowy outside!!
My new old toy I jus bought...
My new old toy I jus bought...
She use to send me pics like this but doesn't much anymore. I wanted pics of a huge dick inside her but it never happened..u may like this pic lol
@OpieRadio guess this pic shows the real reason Tiger can't play at Augusta anymore...
Somewhere in this pic @anthonycumia is dreaming of white sheets and ovens while @JimNorton wipes a frothy load off his belly
After telling my wife what her soup looked like, she promptly removed my hat...ugh
@BIGMOMMAPRODS if I'm gonna get blocked it's gonna b for a good reason: chk out this episode of "Dirty Jobs films in Haiti " BIATCH!!!:)
Good morning fellow twitts. Got woke up early by my littlest girl eating apples n peanut butter
Didn't u get the pic that went along??
This thing is a pre-op tranny. I couldn't get a good pic but jus know I WILL get some video soon. It is UGLY
Now that's a big bitch!!
So far, jus a couple of bull dykes have peaked my interest. The one on left looks like Dr Dre with tits. Wish she woulda turned around
@OpieRadio still trying to figure this shit out. That post goes with this pic. Got new ap, hope this works now

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John Taylor

Eastern Iowa (for now)

Overweight, overworked and tired of all the B.S.


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