RT @Quailman_: Seeing all these women on ESPN trying to talk sports < #GetBackToTheKitchen
RT @Quailman_: Seeing all these women on ESPN trying to talk sports < #GetBackToTheKitchen
RT @ShhhmySecret: My followers ain't
RT @BscoTT26: Side bar: hey Serge
RT @whit_no_J: This cat just paid for my whole meal and 3 drinks...#MiniMontana <- say mad mini, just
RT @nickkibabyyy: Do You have someone you'd stop your world for but they don't know it?! No. Oh me either #Kbye <-
RT @PreTTyLoVelyOES: I wish I had someone to hold me<-sorry sis but I couldn't resist...
RT @Basko4Prez: If the man got married, the least deserves is to go naked head whenever he pleases...<-
RT @whit_no_J: I dont know what race this man is but he cgi. now i just need to find him again and mk him my MT boo<-
@Mylifeaintright @QBIZZY @royoraps @DJTRoc damn just reread your tweet. I fucked reading it all the way up
RT @nickkibabyyy: I miss oomf !!!<-
RT @ChysTheOne: I NEED A MAN <<<< no you want a man...You NEED water cause you sound thirsty!<-
RT @BoldBeauty56: And Ken is in love :( <-can't turn these hoes into housewives lol
@Mylifeaintright @QBIZZY #SamePerson
@Mylifeaintright @QBIZZY #SamePerson
RT @Psycadelick24: I miss my babe! I shoulda went to BR this weekend! But he's coming here in a few weeks! #inlove <-
RT @tricey_ef_baby: For the record...@Phrozen357 and ALL of his minions who just tweeted me can SCRAM!!!!<-
@tricey_ef_baby it's on NFL Network but see this and this....
And just in case y'all didnt get that.....
RT @KINGOFTHEGHETTO: Alright now that NFL is back, all women chain yourselves in the kitchen on Sundays and hush up<-
RT @_BornBetter_: So I'm mad corny for this but he loved it lmao!!!!  http://t.co/iVq4xQU <-
@itsMEdabs lmao
This just doesn't make any damn sense!
First I left my phone in the car & got this message earlier. Then I just found out it has been dead for hours. #losing

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