Chipotle is in the's bout to go down 
This nigga serious?? Mad bc I turned the light on...FOH
NP- Marsha Ambrosius Your Hands

Waiting for the food....they need one of these in The Heights
Really??? For some kicks?!! #deadass?? 

It's 6:10 on the F'in morning
Shots fired

ONCE AGAIN to all you #BasicBitches ...COACH is #DEAD
Dykes Lumber Company...i bet there's no WOOD slinging in there
I wonder if that's heaven??? It's crazy dark and that's the only spot in the sky shinning...
Niggaz love to stare cuz they know they see the money 

...but what you bringing to the table?? Nothing??? Go that way
 That's as close as I could get you  RT “@_iamCAM_: I want another Jamba Juice.”
So freaking what...these are my FAVORITE socks 
So fuckin what....this are my FAVORITE socks
Was he a good boy??? Hmmm....possibly
Let's wait a while before we go too far 
Room service....
Hope my angel brings me some luck
IM HERE!!!!!!

 #TurnOn
RIP BOGUS...been 2yrs already. My plan was foiled yesterday, but I'm out 2 AC to bet on 3 BLK. GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN
This is what the start of the week is all about.... I  Monday

Shit just got REAL...5 miles down 
Maybe these 7s are gonna make me win some money tomorrow. I'm definitely tryna win get this money. TABLES ONLY 
word cuz I need one RT “@Naszo: kool party and tan for me as well come back looking rose gold please @PlzXcuzeMySwagg”

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They say time ...Well mine's first class Teamwork make the dream workWe'll be cool as long as you just play your part


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