Okay, a few days ago I announced the birth of my newest grand-niece Kyrie Rae. Here is a picture of her.
16 Jul 2012 02:03

Okay, a few days ago I announced the birth of my newest grand-niece Kyrie Rae. Here is a picture of her. 

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posted by gift kk 16 Jul 2012 11:49

My name is Gift, in seach of a friend who understands the meaning of love, as trust and faith in each other. Rather than one who sees love as only a way of fun but a mature person with nice vission of what the world is all about. And after reading your profile here in this site, i took intrest in you so please reply me direct to my box (Giftkouame.com). And i will tell you more about me ok. Thanks and remain bless.

Please, distance dose not matter in this afair. And i shall be very greatfull if i see your mail ok. Please contact me direct to my id ok, (Giftkouame.com)

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John Jeffrey Purchal

Long Island

A priest in the Episcopal Church and fellow sojourner who, like everyone else, I am just trying to figure out this life thing.

To the man who taught us that you can change the world with a song, Happy 100th Birthday, Woodie Guthrie! Okay, a few days ago I announced the birth of my newest grand-niece Kyrie Rae. Here is a picture of her. Here is a picture of my sister Laura holding her relatively new granddaughter Kyrie Rae.
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