@voraciousbrain Sup, Brain? How you is? Follow me again??
@MikeOkuda Mike, when I grew up I wanted to be you. But you were you, so I didn't grow up. I too, make things!
@TrekJen me in metal
@KariSuknot make something!
Power nap time.
@TrekJen 5 dimensional ways?
@TrekJen yeah, get a nap. Then you, me, we gotta find a party.
@TrekJen lol. I could chuckle at that, but (The Company) might suspect I'm lucid. BTW, any news 'bout Bob?
@TrekJen Shopping for video/music editing/mixing software. Suggestions?
I cant sleep. Send me to war, or let me embark on vampire killing. Please.
@KariSuknot from The bestest 80s movie ever... Maybe not.
Beetul nudal sputzkate, dis cide of Cincinapolis, eh?
More of why I love Captain Kirk.
Learning about impulse engines. It's not what you think!
@KariSuknot I get that feeling sometime. Be nice to travel back sometime. Working on it.
The fleet in darkness. Ohhhh. I'm so not a photographer.
@ironskyfilm so quite on the Twitter front, you guys. Wassup? If you need more ideas I'm here!
@MyPolishFace Sick! I like it! Lol
Tidbit. You can get a nice house cheap if it's built over an Indian burial ground!

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I am an uber geek, failed graphic designer, inventor, interactive hobby consultant, blinky lights enthusiast.I dig rayguns and chicks with g


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