#quotestoliveby #quote #motivation
Do you want to #write a #book? Here's how to outline it @ rachelrofe.con
Just pick a #goal and stick to it - no big complicated secret.
New podcast posted: How to become a better public speaker - with Alexia Vernon @ www.rachelrofe.com
Don't let #someone dim your life simply because it's #shining in their #eyes.
10 #Tips To #Improve Your #Morning In 5 Minutes Or Less @mindbodygreen
Your #success and #happiness lie in you. :)
If #opportunity doesn't knock, #build a #door :)
New #podcast posted: How to have a #profitable #business without hiding parts of #yourself — with Jeffrey Shaw: 
Weekly recap: Here are last week's show notes + blog posts: www.zinepal.com/ebook/rachelrofe/234196
The difference between the #impossible and the #possible lies in a person's #determination :)
New #podcast posted: 7 ways to get anything you want. :) rachelrofe.com/7-ways-to-get-anything-you-want
Even if we don't have the #power to #choose where we come from, we can still choose #where we go from #here.
Jeannine Yoder on how to take bigger risks
New #podcast posted: Jeannine Yoder on how to take bigger #risks

Source: http://rachelrofe.com/jeannine-yoder-on-how-to-take-bigger-risks
Weekly recap: Here are last week's show notes + blog posts: http://www.zinepal.com/ebook/rachelrofe/233786
Believing in #negative #thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to #success. :)
It takes just one #star to #pierce the #darkness.
Talia Fuhrmann on creating full-body health – physically, emotionally, and mentally
What to do when you’re being unproductive and you don’t like it
creating a life that your 90-year old self will toast and say, “Well done, darling.”.
Michelle Evans on making sure you love what you do
Joanne Ameya Cohen on aligning with your body’s wisdom, setting boundaries, and feeling emotionally free.
21 ways to feel abundant – even if you have $0 in your bank account right now

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Rachel Rofe

New York City

Welcome! I write about making life easier - business-wise and in other ways.

web www.RachelRofe.com


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