ISIL Terrorists SUPPORT @HillaryClinton 4 President! Killery #Clinton welcomes terrorists fathers as guests of honor
#ISIS seized personal effects & mil. equip of #US soldier Ryan Larson in #Nangarhar (May God protect Ryan)
ive refused 2 take part in ths ... 'suspended animation' experiment & yet given an oppty I wld jump on it #Bahrain
ive refused 2 take part in ths ... 'suspended animation' experiment & yet given an oppty I wld jump on it #Bahrain
We got advanced highlight from @HillaryClinton speech to #DNCPhil
And 4 @BernieSanders followers - the
Pouch is Screwed! #Hitlery Clinton is now wearing Bernie's only pair of nickers
@TimKaine looks like a goof-ball but sounds well rehearsed
And 4 @BernieSanders followers - the
Pouch is Screwed! #Hitlery Clinton is now wearing Bernie's only pair of nickers
And 4 @BernieSanders followers - the
Pouch is Screwed! #Hitlery Clinton is now wearing Bernie's only pair of nickers
And 4 @BernieSanders followers - the
Pouch is Screwed! #Hitlery Clinton is now wearing Bernie's only pair of nickers
Shhh, Bozo the Clown is on ... #DNCPhil
No Sir, 2night YOU will hear from Bozo the #DNC Clown @JoeBiden I will be watching e-Mail Scandal-Cooking Channel
#Obama got caught harboring, conspiring, aiding & embedding members of Blk Supremacy Terrorist Grp #BlackLivesMatter
#Obama Presidency & #Criminal @HillaryClinton R directly responsible 4 rise of #ISIL & it's migration 2 Europe & #US
Jesus of #Sanders Revolution is DEAD and @BernieSanders is CASHING OUT! @HillaryClinton #Corruption #Benghazi #Email
And than ... this happened in #Dallas 

#Obama #DividerInChief #Incompetence #CriminallyUnsophisticated #Terrorism
Look what is being circulated on line! Folks are
catching up fast.
What do you think, Tweeps, did @LorettaLynch and #Comey - boy build this!?
Democrats, U R abt 2 elect mentally unsophisticated @HillaryClinton - Gold-Digger responsible 4 many dead Americans
#GOP & Conservatives must prepare 4 RETRIBUTION investigations by #Obama #Lynch #Comet #FBI #IRS #DOJ Dear America -
Hitlery #Clinton will make America Hole Again
Revealed: 'I dont wnt 2 die suddenly & mysteriously!' #Comey turns bitch 4 bubba #Clinton of Clinton's crime family
#FBI Dir. #Comey turned 'Bitch' 2 Bubba #Clinton Crooks, ConArt's sell America #Obama  @HillaryClinton @LorettaLynch
Why do we boycott @CNN ?  @realDonaldTrump

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