These win for now! I'd prefer #allblack
Fresh new kicks for the main event tomorrow.
@zappos Didn't let me down! I was starting to get worried!
Pre-Comp meal  @ASPIRE_fit @MyIgnition @CrossFitOmaha OxTail
Archie is back maybe he will help!!!
I'd rather do all 6 CF Open WODs back to back then fold this laundry... #helpplease
There's nothing better than grass-fed beef!
So, I've been workin on the for SICFIT. It's been delayed & I was hoping it Would be complete by this weekend. Fingers are crossed. Here is a teaser... Game plan to follow.
I was seriously shocked when handed a Razr last night to talk on... I didn't know people still used this?
I sent this yesterday but it didn't go through: You'll get a kick out of it. Circa Halloween 2010
@RonnieTeasdale Check out whose calling you out. #showtime
Twisted Blade Goodies
@MyIgnition Eat to Live brotha! #paleo #OxTail
The Shield is out  #SICFIT fight line. #Represent #honor
Valley CrossFit is sitting at #1 in the world!  #SICFIT #CFGames2011  @SICFIT
This cauliflower is on steroids it's the size of a basketball!
I've had a couple of these masks in storage. They will be WODded in.  #SICFIT #GetSome #oxygendeprevation
Paleo Latte: Steam unsweetened almond milk, add espresso or instant coffee, cinnamon, & enjoy
What up?  #SICFIT
If you didnt know about these now you do!
This is too funny!!! How did I get in?

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Ruben Rojas

Los Angeles

A Guide To Elite Human Performance

web www.rubenrojas.com


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