I don't know. You tell me. #Japan
Let us take a moment to appreciate Akihiko and Shinji freaking the fuck out. #PersonaQ
bullet girls is the best video game ever made #Bulletgirls
Watching some local
junior high kids lay down Koto beats at the board of education. #Japan
Watching some local
junior high kids lay down Koto beats at the board of education. #Japan
There’s something adorable about Elizabeth’s clapping animation combined with her crazy face. #PersonaQ
Video of a man in a diaper, a guy riding/playing a scooter, and things screaming. We are still alive. #Japan
In which the Gay family attempts to sing Staying Alive and succeeds/fails miserably. #familytweets
In which the Gay family sings holiday songs in the car like a bunch of dying banshees.
Oh god. This drink called The World just kicked our asses. #jojo
There’s a kissing mini game necessary in battle to use certain special moves. Wasn’t paying attention. Lol. #Exstetra
Mr. @crowderfan09’s voice makes me so happy.
I love that Sen no Kiseki keeps track of every school NPC and their backstory. Super neat. #sennokiseki
A random battle in Sen no Kiseki recorded for your viewing pleasure. God the music is so good. #sennokiseki
A quick video showing off the different free DLC costumes in Ace Attorney 5 plus the model viewer. #AceAttorney5
My mom and sister sent me this wonderfully goofy little video to celebrate July 4th. Thought I’d share. #family
Oh hey. Here’s the animated opening to Ace Attorney 5. All sorts of badassery. Sorry bout da quality. #AceAttorney5
I log into PSO2 for the first time in a few weeks only to be met with this… song. #FOLLOWME
Bus station randomly starts to play Renai Circulation. God. Damn.
God, the music in this part of the city is so good. #SMTIV
Ok. This guy’s voice cracks me up. #SMTIV
The wind today is crazy. My umbrella exploded and doors are slamming shut throughout the school.
My 6th graders at this school are a bunch of smart asses, but holy shit when they do Taiko they’re amazing.
Jesus. Busting out this classic AA track now? Way to manipulate me, videogame!! #LaytonVsAceAttorney

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Elliot Gay

Isahaya, Nagasaki

Associate editor for Japanator. Currently living in Japan and writing about games, TV, music, film and any other kind of pop media. Also the PR monkey.

web www.japanator.com


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