And a poster - let's meet Nao - the Alice Nine's drummer XD
Covers. And my fetish - someone with a catana (^_-)
Inside. Black&Red
Thank to my dear Svetlana for this gift! I'm really happy to hold this CD in my hands. Oh, Hikari-sama, you've been making me happy so many times xDXD
My own Alice Nine (^_-)
..Heartbeats xD
I's a begining.. My b-gift
I'm proud a little bit xDDDDDD
"The law and the right " -  yes xD
My first experience as journalist&editor&designer&maker-up xDDD
Another bad j-rocker's habit xDD
Педофильные наклонности цветут и пахнут)
So I'm waiting for the rain
My Yellow-blue (^_-)
The Cossack!) I am with dark long hair :D
Justin)) We will meet in Kyiv, yeah)
The world on the health needle
Two the most beloved cities =)
The park of hammered figures
I do not remember a name of this coach) But he is famous)
At the museum Shakhtaräs history - footprint of Dario Srna
"Shakhtar" : "Partizan"
Donbass Arena before a football match
I think I'll buy this jacket

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