#WhatTheySaid @noskyrail Found this fresh lot on #skyrail today. Musta pissed them off (a lot). Lets see how long it lasts. (All Images Copyrighted)
#WhatTheySaid @noskyrail Found this fresh lot on #skyrail today. Musta pissed them off (a lot). Lets see how long it lasts. (All Images Copyrighted)
.@AMEquality Some in @cityofcasey still live in dark ages. Seen today. They musta missed the vote. #Reported await removal.
.@AMEquality Some in @cityofcasey still live in dark ages. Seen today. They musta missed the vote. #Reported await removal.
.@AMEquality Some in @cityofcasey still live in dark ages. Seen today. They musta missed the vote. #Reported await removal.
.@AMEquality Some in @cityofcasey still live in dark ages. Seen today. They musta missed the vote. #Reported await removal.
#Skyrail couple more graffiti sites along new trainline. Yarraman and Huntingdale.
#Skyrail couple more graffiti sites along new trainline. Yarraman and Huntingdale.
#Skyrail #graffiti removal in full force above Corrigan rd Noble Park. Several other sites seen. Will need bulk 20 litre #CitroClean drum.
#Skyrail #graffiti removal in full force above Corrigan rd Noble Park. Several other sites seen. Will need bulk 20 litre #CitroClean drum.
#Skyrail #graffiti budget already being consumed. Corrigan rd Noble Park over-pass hit both sides. @3aw693 (All images copyrighted) @noskyrail
@AngerrRoo @rail_under Also remember #Skyrail's #continuous bikepath stops with a #dismount point at Huntingdale.
#Skyrail Poor Clayton residents now have own #GameofThrones #Wall to look out at every day. Lucky them :(
#Skyrail #GreenWashing in overdrive at Clayton. Minimal columns around new carpark painted beige and green. All others are #GraffitiReady.
#Skyrail #GreenWashing in overdrive at Clayton. Minimal columns around new carpark painted beige and green. All others are #GraffitiReady.
#skyrail back and forth.
#Skyrail testing today @ Clayton. Metro and Vline's running up/down. Awaiting graffiti onslaught.
@optus #loop product is terrible. Support non existent. Guides unavailable. Call centre closed at 5 pm but advertised to 5.30.
#firevic Car vs Bus in Oakleigh sth (at Notlrth rd) All ok.
@danielbowen @noskyrail More furphies w cd9 17km continuous bike path from @levelcrossings. Huntingdale bus farce has 'dismount' area due to limited space to squeeze past bus shelters.  https://levelcrossings.vic.gov.au/media/news/open-space
@danielbowen #Clayton station closed over holidays. Tracks removed and replaced. Only weeks before #skyrail kicks in. Why?
#firevic Major accident Springvale road today. Toyota86 destroyed.
#firevic Springvale rd crash earlier today. 1x AV transport. 1x HEMS transport. #MCIU investigating.
#firevic Springvale rd crash earlier today. 1x AV transport. 1x HEMS transport. #MCIU investigating.

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Dallas G


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