Time to ditch work and head to the park.
@reverseg this makes me want to play again.
RT @_youhadonejob Google gets it. http://twitter.com/_youhadonejob/status/567426033444720641/photo/1
@khaydarin9 see?
Now that November's over, it's time to get back into reading.
As I'm in the mood for a nice, fun fantasy, my first selection is Fablehaven by @brandonmull
Looky looky who has a new toy.
It's as Osaka says, "my intelligence can't solve problems like these."

Waah desu
#inktober #5
#inktober #4
#inktober #3 with hair, which I forgot yesterday.
#inktober #3
#inktober #2
#inktober #1

Okay. So I'm a few days late.
@31ttik and here's the back view.

@31ttik you're so weird.
@31ttik WHAT?!
Are you NUTS?!?!?!
@31ttik not sure why, but just pictured you as Chiyo chan.
@31ttik okay!
Happy extra special Friday the 13th.
Heading home after The Elm Tree's relaunch party. Had an awesome time, and got paint on my hands for the first time in forever!!!

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Samara Daniells


Aspiring Writer, Musician, and Manga Artist, and new student of the German language. In my spare time you'll find me strapped to a desk processing data. - aufst


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