How in the heck am I this far along in data and the billing period just started
So the DBAKs wanna act a fool while watching a good movie so I said okay we'll watch Bonanza! & they mad!  #meanTeacher
My desk is a mess...
I don't even know where to start with that 1st person's name...
Preparing for 5th grade promotion and here are some of the names that i must pronounced...
Up late watching these throwback old school episodes of batman..these were the best ones
Mother Jenkins Soul Glo on my paper!
@ECOOK4 Kevin's new haircut..
Stepping out...
These were our homecoming 2011 tickets! Gotta love Alcorn!! #ASUYARDMEMORIES
Truck is paid off! No more Car Notes! Thank you Jesus!
After dealing with DBAKs and 75 min cardio session I'm beat and still got a ways to go...
It's too early in the morning for all this....
 Why Jalisa Clay put this on her test? That's your former student  @ECOOK4
Workouts are paying off! 2010 on the left 2012 on the right! Still got a ways to go but it's going down!
Easter 2012 
At the dentist I hope they give me a bag of candy!!!
Chillin with  @MBAGirl08 at Newks drinking a Heineken on the patio

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C. Wilson


Bout to catch that red eye flight..


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