Mmm fried calamari:)
Bleeding after like a year, eyebrow? Really? U have one week to show healing, then ur gone...
And some House for the road. Goodnight all, let's hope these images seep into my dreams;)
And one more...
And again...
Robert Downey jr looks AMAZING on the iPhone 4 screen. See?! :) Grrrr
Oh btw, ppl r claiming to have killed two chupacabras...not true- HE LIVES!! (at my house)  :D
Official cutest costume of this Halloween: baby as lobster:) *adorable tail not pictured*
Bunch of gouls as work today. I am one of them:)
New family member. Our new sharpei/pit mix. So damn cute:)
Getting ready for duh club 4 friend's bday. Hair n makeup down. Feelin purple today:)
@ram327 the babies. Not even related but inseperable:)
So cozy. I'll follow his lead n go get comfy in bed. Goodnight everyone. Thanks for all the Sunday follows!
All the cats knocked out on one couch. Lazy asses
Now that's relaxed... I'm envious.
Can't believe I 4got 2 add the pic. This is what I'm looking for. Celtic?Elvish? Bit hard 2 c unfortunately
Wow I totally forgot the pic with the font... Sleepy. Here's what I forgot to attach.
She never let's me get up. I'll blame her for my laziness

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Kat Alvarado

San Antonio, TX

22 year old student who loves cats/spiders/reptiles/other. Skeptic, atheist, music lover, nerd, odd, shy, and friendly.



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