Dexter Donk
Taking a portion of calories at #McDonalds
Privacy? Hell no, guess it will take UK customs max. a year for composing themselves a nice UE citizens photoalbum #Heathrow
#Vodafone all over
That must be a real cool place
London #Paddington office area (Jazzy) lunch style
Boarding the 'red eye' flight' LH4770, heading to London Paddington Vodafone HQ. Captain Knutt Friedrich is in charge.
Massive thunderstorm and flooded streets overhere in #Düsseldorf
Giant wheel at Dusseldorf kirmes
Rainy rushour at #Heatrow means instant delay. Will need to wait 25 mins. in plane
Having lunch at the Italian 'restaurant'. Location Karlplatz market
#Amsterdam summer in the city
Amsterdam #wheelclamp logics
Loves the #Dutch countryside. Click for picture #Waterland area
Breaking Stuff
Massive rain falling 45 degrees style in Dusseldorf
In-house Satellite Dish: Never miss your favorite TV show
Spaghetti Bolognese Freestyle
Donald in Mini Cars at #kermis #Laren
Ants all over
Walk with the dog before the heat kicks in.
First recognizable drawing made by Donald
End of a hot summerday: naked snails coming out of their shelter
I'm lost: hardcopy

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