@LindaMBorg just for you in case you missed this one
Chipping chicken and oniobs
More photos of falcons boys cooking :)
And in response to my comment "yes size DOES matter" @richardmayhew85 produced this little ravioli!! Haha
Not the best bum on the day but the opportunity presented itself so it had to be done ;)
The winning team! With some assistance from us of course ;) ssshhh don't tell the others
A mans work is never done...in the kitchen ;)
@sazhutch haha did it all fit in? Here's one for you ;)
The Falcons boys slaving away in the kitchen
Jamie Huelleur (spelling?) also very proud of his work
Jimmy G cooking the pasta sauce and pretending to know what he's doing :)
And @kiwibatler is very pleased with his work too!
Some artistic work by @kiwibatler
Following my expert advice @richardmayhew85 kneads pasta dough #cookoff
@BobbyClaydon just in case u didn't get my pic msg...this us what we won :)
Try again, here's the trophy
Spot the mistake!?! Lol
2 tablets of paracetamol/codeine washed down with this...that should stop the bloody ribs from hurting!!
only a small one for starters :) @LindaMBorg
Can see Gris being too thrilled about this!! Lol
Can u guess what your treat is yet? ;)
Kettles boiled and here's some cake for u too cos that's the kind person I am :)
Haha obviously a memorable one! Oh & just to prove he does sleep & can be calm....

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Stef Walter


Rugby loving, champagne swigging, Newcastle Falcons supporter with the occasional interest in F1 and keep fit


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