@politico no no no no no no and no
@politico Ernst is an ignorant asshole republican scum.
@politico Baio is ignorant and has lost whatever intelligence he ever had. Pathetic.
@ABC @ABCPolitics @realDonaldTrump No credibility. Never elected to office. Failure and Failure. Ego.
@ABC more biased reporting and no journalistic integrity  @MSNBC @USATODAY @CBSEveningNews
@MSNBC @Morning_Joe @JoeNBC Staggering?!?! Still waiting on indictment and charges to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld.
@Reuters  @HillaryClinton I'm with Hillary 150%. We need true leadership from Hillary now more than ever.
@USATODAY @CBSNews @NBCNews @MSNBC @CNNPolitics @ABCWorldNews Time for Congress to do the people's work.
Let's go Dub Nation.  @SFGate @sfchronicle @USATODAY @NBCNews @nbcbayarea @KCBSNews @MSNBC
@CBSNews @realDonaldTrump Hold Trump accountable to accuracy of facts from now on. It's time.
@CNNPolitics Crooks and lying domestic terrorists.
@CNNPolitics Scum Bush.
@THR Tell Neil Young to go
look at maggots and trash - just as interesting as Trump
@comcastcares @comcast Seriously. Your service is again not reliable. You couldn't even go a full month without a problem.
@NBCNews  @CBSEveningNews @billmaher @CBSThisMorning @USATODAY That kid is messed up and the school is right.
Deserving of jail. Not your vote into public office. #trumpisaliar #hillary2016 #rockthevote  @USATODAY @CBSThisMorning @TODAYshow
@thinkprogress @kira_lerner Time for Americans to stand up and say no.  The safety of our kids and families matter.
@USATODAY @CBSSF @NBCNews It's time to protect our kids, our communities, our families. The NRA fails to do this.
@TheAdvocateMag @HRC @gaycities @GayInUsa @Gay_Global_News LGBT should stop supporting Grindr. They fail to care for our safety.
@CNN @CBSThisMorning This CNN Democratic Debate shows how bad CNN has become. Unprofessional. Offensive. Rude
@TheLastWord so dangerous and sad that our history repeats and repeats because of ignorance and hate.  @HillaryClinton
@ScottBaio You are smart enough to do good things Scott.
@AlexNBCNews @VaughnHillyard Hoping that means that journalists will begin investigating him and reporting the truth

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Stuart Rogoff

Irvine, CA

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