Isn't it beautiful?!
I go to open my bottle of Chardonnay to reward myself for sterilizing downstairs. What do I find? Pissed the fcuk OFF.
Junk food shopping at walmart is complete.
I have to keep an eye on Baby Bear. These #HoustonMosquitos outweigh her.
No more ants! Thank you, Home Depot. ☻
If anyone spoils you, it should be YOURSELF. Mimosas and Bellinis. I'm content right now.
Breakfast of champions. Champagne and spinach/ham/mozzarella quesadillas. ❤
This is how I'm choosing to start my Friday morning. Saw Dr. Chang yesterday. Got ish done. Today WILL be good.
This dude looks like a developmentally delayed Hispanic Luigi...and his name is "Mustachio". L. M. F. A. O.
I'm putting sour cream on my nachos...and I'm liking it. Wtf is up with my taste buds? o_O
Is it me, or is putting the black child in the watermelon costume displaying a racial undertone.
And I get to be the final decision maker. Grrreeeaattt.
I'm about to pull my hair OUT over these decisions. 
Tell me I didn't put my foot in this chicken parmesan. I DARE you.
STOP. >_<
Trust me, we're working.
And dinner is served. ✌
I wish y'all could smell this. Like for real.
We are afraid of the ants, folks.
On my living room floor. In front of the big screen. About to see what this SOCOM 4 is about.
4 rows of shot glasses. Hehee.
I LOVE when Bear falls asleep on my tummy. ❤
Isn't it cute? I have some of the best girlfriends.

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Teddi Bear

The 27th floor. 

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. --William James, 19th century psychologist, philsopher



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