"Give me back my daughter!" -Loki
@EvilCapnKirk bahahahaha
Baby Loki
This explains Shakespeare and @JossWhedon perfectly. #MuchAdoAboutNothing
Tony Stark upgrading tech with a glance
@OUATrekkie btw, you heard that Tom is going to be doing a play this fall, right? Coriolanus!
@EvilVulcanChick uh huh!
@EvilVulcanChick that gray tshirt....and this blue suit...
@EvilVulcanChick hopelessly!
Steve 'n' Sharon #OTP
Steve Rogers.
All I'm saying is Hiddles may as well not have a shirt on....
Please excuse the massive amounts of crying over this pic I found on tumblr...
@kellysue thought you might like to see this article I found in the Life section of my Sunday newspaper :)
My reading for the day
When Balder snaps, so does Loki's head. #Thor #Marvel
I have derpy bread!
Seriously guys, my feels.
So...Loki levitating AND wielding Mjolnir. Talk about upsetting some cosmic forces... #Ultimates #Marvel
This description is Loki in a nutshell. @twhiddleston
This is so Loki....
This is so sad and hilarious! Peter drew himself into his poster of the Avengers. Awwwww! #baddays
I'm home, I have a diploma, and looky at this gorgeous ring my mom gave me as a graduation gift!

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T'Laina Ariennye

Planet Vulcan

I am the daughter of Malachi Donovan, Earth Ambassador to Vulcan. I have lived on Vulcan for my whole life. Live long and Prosper.


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