Where's @njreneperez at?
On my fresh shit! #nofilter @_ali_baby
Beautiful text from my baby girl.. They grow up so fast !
@njreneperez  @_ali87 have a feeling this is what u look like after all the hair spray and moose
I feel u big homie! RT @TheRealRayhood margarita weather
@its__CYN @DonOCabrera u don't have any workouts to do?
Yo why is @njreneperez biceps blocking everyone out the picture? @DonOCabrera  @TheRealRayhood
My cuzins bike was stolen last night from his house in Hackensack. It a CBR600 wit NY plates. Hit me up...
Apple tv gonna put in work today.. Let's
RT @Jon_Pride @TheRealPun whats better than the clear mystics?
Just saw @algrin at the bar with his Jewish uniform on!
How @deuce0607 get outta work at 4pm and he back at BbY with his uniform on..
RT @TheRealRayhood when the last time this fuckin guy coughlin won a challenge? I'm done with this guy
And it goes like this..!
Breakfast in bed...
#CollegeDropout RT @valerya1120 RT @TheRealPun: #noworktuesdays u gotta have them
Giants game... I'm ready for kick off. Today I cheering for Manningham. Lmao  @Mr_DPorter
Went to go see el shino y su grupo aguacate con kerubanda on saturday.. Had a blast.. Merengue tipico bebiendo Johnny y mujeres freca☺
#boss if I don't pick up ur calls. I'm sure u can figure out why.

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