OMG this is delish! @vegancuts
@Vegancuts YAY!!! FINALLY GOT MY SNACK BOX!!! Time to get my noms on!
Uuuummmm, I think Richard Simmons just won Christmas...
@shogunvegan can't tell but there is sriracha in there...& many many other spices lol. Looks good but when it was delivered yesterday the shrooms were rubbery. Hoping for the best. Wish me luck!
Someone actually thought of this...
In case you wondered, I'm grateful for my 'sister' Dragonfly, my tweeps, & these two...(plus #KillyanSlate but she won't photo) #hurtingbutgrateful
@jakthripr hey...I have this app on my iPad called qello - it's concerts & whatnot look what I found on it! Thought of you!
Just caught this beastie muggin in the mirror #laserkittyeyesofdeath
Got soft new Jammies!!!
PAINSOMNIA! So, trying to distract with these old school Xmas specials on having Prime! (Jack Frost. Watchin Rudolph & baby new year next.)
Kyla Indigo got a new hoodie for Xmas and she likes this one better - it's roomier (doesn't look like she likes it cuz of the epic battle to put it on her lol)
So abyssinians tend to get cold. Kyla now has a black hoodie but she HATES me when I put it on her. LOOK AT THIS FACE!!!
@jakthripr @liznolan @bleedblaqk_ this is got swag hahahaha (hopefully vid plays this time)
My lil Kyla Indigo...spoiled but she rescued me as much as I rescued her so it's ok...
Hahahaha #KylaIndigo gets cold all the time as #abys tend to do so I got her a hoodie. OMG SHE HATES IT! So funny watching her flip over tryin to fight it lol. It slurry but this is the best photo I c
I knew she was a dumb blonde but REALLY PARIS? REALLY!
@liznolan Kyla (my rescue abyssinian) gets really cold so this year I ordered her a black hoodie for Xmas lol (wish @afi had hoodies for cats...) I just love her lil Mohawk
My Kyla Indigo...not only did she steal my spot, but she did so on a festival of clashing patterns  #abykitty #rescue
Never mind the fact that I'm vegan...can anyone guess what is wrong with this photo?
@peoplemag #cutepic this is my rescue aby #KylaIndigo & a rescue she decided to mother #VoodooOreo. Of course Voodoo is part of the fam now!
Homemade dumplings...easiest and tastiest way to eat!
The mandolin has arrived... #celtic #celticmusic #music #therapy #musictherapy #excited #happyholidaystome
It's here! It's HERE!!! #harp #celticharp #therapyformyhands
Progress. Just have 2 weave/secure the handles (not 2nite- hands r killin me). & this burden basket is done. #took4ev

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Kyla Indigo

Planet Earth

Vegan, Bard, Actress, Entertainer, Nature Worshipper, Myth Collector, CRPS Fighter, Catalyst for Change, Vagabond, Human to 3 Amazing Felines


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