Ahhhh, afternoon pick-me-up...
Tell me this isn't A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!
This Lego set is just freaking awesome! My son got it for his birthday.
Rocktoberfest is on!!! 6.3% German Octoberfest Larger. Rockbottom Brewery! Paired with the rare Ahi... Awesome!
Not too bad...
Rare Ahi, Brewhouse Chili and Westcoast I.P.A. Strange combo? Nah... Awesome!
Hello old friend.
From the "Scratch Your Head" Files: Shouldn't Goodwill have already had low prices?
I was in Khol's today. Do mannequins really need nipples? I was on my way out when I saw this. There were worse...
Will this be the winner of the burger-off?
An emergency phone that needs a rescue call.

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Bill Bates

San Francisco Bay Area

Tech-head, social commentator, podcaster and dad.

web whereicarusflies.com/


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