Tonight's #cheap #beer, Anheuser Bush's King Cobra
Drinking a cheap brew. It's Pabst! And it's also a #hipster beer. No, I'm not a hipster.
From my Facebook stream.
Tonight's beer. Henry Weinhard's Blue Boar. Good brew.
Tonight's after work beer. A  @Widmer_Brothers Rotator IPA Series, X-114 IPA.
Tonight's beer, for the troops. #sot
I like this flick.
@BrianKurzweil here is mine
Tonight's 2nd #beer is the ever tasty Samuel Adams Summer Ale by the Boston Brewing Co
Tonight's #Beer, Shock Top Brewing Co (Miller) 's Shock Top Belgian White.
Oooh! I'm sitting behind Princess Leia!!!
Just ran a sleeping beauty off from a clinic. #ILoveMyJob
Just ran a sleeping beauty off from a clinic. #ILoveMyJob
My ride home tonight.
From The Economist, march 5th edition.
Tonight's beer, the 1st all week, is a tasty Foster's Premium Ale
The ultimate in short line railroad tracks. 20ft of pure speed.
GiGi, one of our cats that I have yet to her talk... hissing doesn't count.
Night sky
My home-screen. What's on yours?
Tonight's beer. Anheuser-Bush's Hg - Hurricane High Gravity Lager

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