Mountains in Utah
I love the way the sun defines the contours
Mesas looking like ripples on the water
Sun just touching the ridgeline of the Rockies
Sunrise over Colorado #2 ... I love how it looks like it is dipping in the earth
Sunrise over Colorado #1
Here is this better? ;)
Remember those pictures from my office? This is back at my office :)
Another look down on Crystal Lake
Yes, there was snow, first of the season
@hubman38 and you must remember these :)
If you are scared of heights, I suggest doing something else
@hubman38 You mean here ;)
Now this is what I call foxy ;)
So I decided to drive up Pikes Peak while I was out there. This is on the drive up.
I admit, Garden of the Gods lives up to its name
Can you say BBQ for lunch?
Someone having a much better morning than I am
Moonset over Pikes Peak
...where the deer and the antelope play ♬
What a pretty day it is :)
Things that make you ask "What the fuck?" ... Razor wire protecting a patch of weeds
I am TOTALLY freaked by where this office is. It is in the middle of nowhere
Single cloud shadow/bravely hides the mountain peak/gone within moments #haiku

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