Golf day on a Tuesday thanks to nice weather today and crappy weather tomorrow!
It's obnoxiously big but it kicks ass!
It's obnoxiously big but it kicks ass!
This losing weight thing is working out pretty well. 16lbs to go!
Man, every American Indian sure hates that @Redskins name don't they. Some proud fans right here!
I think someone had a little too much to drink. @OchosSmartCar
@cokelogic I've had my iPhone 6+ for over a year now.
Cause it's Thursday!
@iliza It needed to be said. Well done!
How I spent my lunch hour! #Guns
How I spent my lunch hour! #Guns
Think officer D.Wilson of Ferguson,MO's  life might have been in danger during his encounter with Michael Brown?
@Sports_Chik That's night games for ya! Lol I got a salute too.
@Sports_Chik 3 hours before kick he was right here! @Brutus_Buckeye
@Sports_Chik It was a rough night but this was awesome too!
I'm resupplied! @swissmissohio @MrSwissMiss
@iliza Tamagotchi
Cuddles elude me.
@moxtoxicity How about ankles and tan lines?
@isotopestudios @pennjillette No way, it's Mama Fratelli!
@pennjillette I hope it's more funny than mean!
@AnthonyCumia Like this one? @AgathaC80
@RxCare007 Ditto!

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