Awesomest briyani ever!!! I always finish it to the last grain. Ok bedek but at least almost ah.
Aahhh aku buta sebelah nowww!! (0_-)"
1 of the things i found. Hit me baby one more time! Hahaha woots!  @maressaz @hellyeahfahmi
Hahahahahah janji kul 5:30pm tetapi...... Hahaha kan dah kene maki. Orait i'll get up now
I'm loving it! Parappapapaaa~
Woots! Skrg can start watching Glee again. Padahal dah 14 episodes on Season 2, aku baru nak start. Heh!
Malas nak buat kerja. Hangover from crab masala!
❤ Dino!
Favourite part if kuliah. Buahahahaha!!
@hellyeahfahmi Hahaha selenger! Go to ur profile & click on ur photo. Ltr come out smthg like tis.
Suka gambar ni sebab muka tak nampak bulat (mcm apple). Hahaha!!
Love Facely for Facebook!! Coz i can change è colour theme to PINK!! But sucks ah, cant upload photos to respective album.
Arifah dah matured, ada misai. Lolll!!
Visit & read more on this article. very very VERY gd!! thx @abusedheart for sharing!!
But but i is scared with cats unlike Rasullullah saw. =(
Hafta suck it up the wholeday, i suppose. Blah!
=) @Qieey @vesparina @aymarn @funkadeliks @suefbellish
Baby Trisya sleeps soundly. Org memekak pon dia bo layan.
@sraden Aku nyer type kat that "search place"
@sraden Aku type "A Place Called Here" then aku select add this place. Tak tau kalau hp kau lain
U hafta go, go settings & change. See attached.
1 of my engrs suka tulis short hand. Irrits sak handwriting dia!

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Annisa Zahra Salim


Write with left hand, iron with right hand. And i know i look young. TYVM. Hahaha!!



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