Chase wins!!  And, it's a pin!!!  Match is on the far mat.
@gruber Happens with Nook, too. Mobile search from iPhone.
Pick your comparison: Sane/Insane, Good for country/Good for rich, Democratic/Republican. #fb
Chillin' in my sister's media room. Happy Birthday, Jaelyn. Go Twins.
Race and ethnicity graphic for Philadelphia. Originally found on from
Jump number two.  She just can't get enough.   #fb
Tammy taking on Hawk Falls at Hickory Run State Park. None of the guys would jump. Lol.   #fb
Hickory Run State Park today.  I wish I had sunglasses. It is very bright right now.   #fb
Too funny. Via Regressy. #BP irony. ❧
Jasmine's Prom:  Posing with her sisters.   #fb
Friend was bragging that Android was more popular than iPhone.  I guess that's true if you only look at sales. 
Netbook or iPad? ➤
Apple responds to Adobe
I hear this drug is addictive.  Be careful, be careful. Man, I don't like taking drugs into my body.
Sabella was never a finger sucker
Chase is cool without the fingers in mouth
New car!  Yeah! ❦
Twittelator photo test using Moby. I noticed that Tl hides the link text when the preview icon is displayed.
Twittelator video test (3). Changed from yfrog to moby. We'll see...
Audio test on Tl. Nice implementation. The mic could be higher rez, though. Icon changes to speaker. Nice. ❦

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A Howard

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