This one's for @stefstein, from AM New York:
Slightly terrifying, but still yummy! Also slightly inexplicable, as it looks like a cat.
......and did I mention I came home with this? *g* #DWbkln #TrustYourDoctor
#DWbkln I had the Sonic Screwdriver & @tarted_up had The Pandorica (better choice). Think I'll skip Fish Custard.
Is this what you were waiting for, boys? I've gotten it, now! You can start playing like it's the regular season!
I'm sporting my brand new Chucks today. (Thanks @Zappos!) My only dilemma is: black laces, or switch back to white?
Inspired by @stefstein, I've returned to a classic for the evening cocktail. #delicious
Wait, why am I getting this? We DID decide he can't run ever again, right?? @mikebloomberg, you are a money waster.
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#Supermoon! Also: inadequate iPhone camera.
This one is for @WanderngAramean. The shot from my hotel room:
Holy crap, is this what McDonald's will look like in the future? Or is the one at 50th & Broadway special?
"Baby Talk to Men" feels like it would probably be from a different show.
What is this place, twitter? Some oceanic farm? Or a random collection of rocks in bags below the high tide line?
Oh, my BOOKS (fiction, authors A-R)!! I've missed you guys! THAT is why I should be coming back home more often.
It's 60 degrees outside. This is what the parking lot still looks like, however.
What's the word on this, internet? Worth it?
Wow, LIRR.
This is actually the rule ALL the time, surely. #pleasetonotbehittingthepedestrians
I've gone with this look to celebrate. #baseballbeltbuckle
Wait, what??? #nothingaboutthismakessense
w00t!  @teefury FTW!
It's what all my relationships are built on.

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