FSU shooter is son of Urkel?!
Sunset,on the 60W
@mariasearth  finally,thank you for bringing fall back,and the beautiful ghetto sunset,,stop❤️
ths is a carnivorous "jellyfish plant emits an odor similar 2 rotting flesh,that's wht attracted the fly being digested hre
Janice Duckinson says isn't gave me a drink,a pill,and then u saw,and heard this
Nailed it!
The Stevie  Wonder edition of twitter
@LaurenSivan WTF!, why they disrespecting you,by not including you on the ad,it's not a GOOD DAY WITHOUT YOU,
Nowhere near a sellout,these are the only English speakers in my part of the ghetto
Christmas tic tacs
Nailed it!
This makes no sense,I'm sure a block us coming soon
NEVER give up
This is an ocean border ,where Atlantic,and Pacific Ocean meet
,and this kid win best costume,kindergarten level
Ladies,may I suggest?
@disgers postseason,so much promise,then &claytinkersh22. Went in to post season mode
I jus bought a case if these at Costco,I think I'm set for life
Adopt a shelter dig month is quickly ending

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learning to be whole again i got breathing down now walking is next


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