When I'm allowed to have a favorite piece in the show.This is mine:)
I'll give you a hint:trumpet! Pierre
8 Jan 2011 21:54

When I'm allowed to have a favorite piece in the show.This is mine:)
I'll give you a hint:trumpet! Pierre 

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posted by haskinscheryll@gmail.com 19 Feb 2011 08:42

Cannot wait for your South African tour, got tickets, and oh sooooooo excitied counting the days here in Durban!!!

posted by Martha Strickland 12 Jan 2011 19:06

Hi Pierre, I'm hoping to hear you play a solo one day.


posted by marie guilmand 11 Jan 2011 12:35

André Rieu
Roger trompetiste de haut niveau le morceau en solo"Silenzio" Quel raffinement.
à Cologne .Il nous a fait frissonner
Nous voudrions bien écouter Pierre jouer dans l'orchestre Il se distinguerait surement brillamment

posted by Mireille JOURDAN 10 Jan 2011 17:55

André Rieu

Pierre I would be very glad to see and hear you in concert with your father !
Hope that twins like trumpett as their mother !

posted by Janet Balodis 10 Jan 2011 11:11

André Rieu We hope you are all enjoying Germany on tour.May is fast approaching we wait patiently and with anticipation.Our thoughts and prayers are also with our Queensland Neighbours and families such devistation up there.Hope your families are ok Mirusia.

posted by Alice Leung 10 Jan 2011 08:40

Roger's solo....so my guess would be Il Silencio, but I'm very interested to see you on the video wall playing it, Pierre Smilie

posted by Pamela Didur 9 Jan 2011 21:37

Hi Pierre,
I'm thinking Il Silencio, but I'm sure that you know a lot of great pieces. You must hear a lot of fantastic music traveling with your father and being in the production business.
Thanks again for all of the hard work you do to bring quality entertainment with heart!
Love, Pamela Smilie

posted by Giuliana 111 9 Jan 2011 17:55

André Rieu Als een ster in de nacht dwaal jij door mijn gedachten,een klein lichtje dat mijn hart doet smelten. Als een ster in het grote heelal,verdwaald in het donker.
Zo voel ik voor jou,het hemelse blauw in een heldere lucht, smachtend naar het onreikbare,zo hoog,zo dichtbij en toch zo veraf.

posted by ..... 9 Jan 2011 08:51

André Rieu Dat kan alleen maar "Il Silenzio" zijn - van Roger Diederen zo onbeschrijvelijk mooi en gevoelvol gespeelt Smilie !!!
Jaren geleden speelde iemand eens tegen middernacht - bij volle maan - dit prachtige stuk op het strand & iedereen stond *betovert* & met open mond te luisteren, sindsdien is het mijn lievelingsstuk... !!! Smilie
Door zulke "hintjes" word de voorvreugde alsmaar GROTER, MERCI Pierre ... muzikale groetjes lieve allemaal van Annemiek Smilie !!!!

posted by Janet Dean 9 Jan 2011 08:00

André Rieu Hi Pierre, please don't keep us guessing, It might be a good idea if you played it for us in OZ next May please... Ask Andre'!! LUV Janet Smilie) X

posted by Janet Dean 9 Jan 2011 07:59

André Rieu Hi Pierre, please don't keep us guessing, It might be a good idea if you played it for us in OZ next May please... Ask Andre'!! LUV Janet Smilie) X

posted by Ian Smith 9 Jan 2011 07:10

It seems Andre always like to blow his trumpet

posted by Lois Little 9 Jan 2011 05:07

André Rieu Il silensio? Pierre, are you practising so that you can play regularly in the JSO? That would be wonderful!

posted by Carol Drummond 9 Jan 2011 02:22

Hi Pierre, I'm wondering what piece it is. It will be a great selection, for sure! Maybe some day we will hear you play and maybe also with your Dad! Hope the concert went very well tonight and you all had good weather for travel.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend at home and take good care of those little twin girls!

posted by Janet Balodis 9 Jan 2011 01:36

André Rieu We think that you would do a wonderful Job Piere as you always do no matter what the job. cheersxx All the best for the 2011 year ahead.

posted by Christine Neilson 9 Jan 2011 00:49

André Rieu: Are you just listening Pierre or are you playing to? When will you do a solo with you dad on stage.

posted by Cristina Dascalescu 8 Jan 2011 22:05

André Rieu We love Pierre and his trumpet !

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André Rieu

Maastricht, The Netherlands

Official account of the 'King of Waltz'; Andr

web www.andrerieu.com

Also this is an Andre Rieu concert!Wait till you hear and see what all happens during this piece.So much fun When I'm allowed to have a favorite piece in the show.This is mine:)
I'll give you a hint:trumpet! Pierre Had a good meeting with the record company today and we had some great ideas together here in Berlin!
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