It's a wrap! A 5 second video diary for Friday April 10.
"Black Swan 2: Diva Dove". A 5 second video diary for Thursday April 09.
Hulk SMASH. A 5 second video diary for Thursday April 02.
Grey day, remembering sunshine. A 5 second video diary for Friday April 03.
Must... not... touch... A 5 second... video diary... for Wednesday... April 08...
Water just wants to go back to the sky. A 5 second video diary for Tuesday April 07.
A magic wand. A 5 second video diary for Monday April 06.
Love is in the air. A 5 second video diary for Sunday April 05.
Totally forgot about today's film, so have 5 random images. A 5 second video diary for Saturday April 04.
Grey day, remembering sunshine. A 5 second video diary for Friday April 03.
T'was a bit foggy crossing the bridge today. A 5 second video diary for Wednesday April 01.
Life at sea. A 5 second video diary for Tuesday March 31.
Parkour! A 5 second video diary for Monday March 30.
What we think about on the freeway, without fail. A 5 second video diary for Sunday March 29.
The dogs of Newtown (and a few cool cats). A 5 second video diary for Saturday March 28.
Australia introduces laws to spy on its citizens & buries Malcolm Fraser. A 5 second video diary for Friday March 27.
Another day in Alphaville. A 5 second video diary for Thursday March 26.
Some days you smash the keyboard; some days the keyboard smashes you. A 5 second video diary for Wednesday March 25.
Trying to look on the bright side. A 5 second video diary for Tuesday March 23.
Boiling bark. A 5 second video diary for Monday March 23.
The three stages of karaoke. A 5 second video diary for Sunday March 22.
For the love of the game. A 5 second video diary for Saturday March 21.
To comedy or not to comedy... A 5 second video diary for Friday March 20.
Why I haven't made a 5 second video diary for Thursday March 19.

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Andrew Bettridge

Sydney, NSW, Australia

I'm just a brain in a rapidly deteriorating, ultimately decaying, bag of flesh standing in front of you asking you to love it.


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