Big sook dog.
He REALLY jammed it in there!!
Truck stuck outside our building. Pipe burst. Water and firies everywhere. #morons
My @adorebeauty order. Minus the Twix of course, THAT'S long gone haha. Yay!
@Blackcurrantpix look what I'm wearing today!!!
@Blackcurrantpix look what's on the mantelpiece at my parent's place!
And my lil @adorebeauty order. I already gave one of the samples to Scott. And I ate the Time Out chocolate, natch.
My @A2LB order! Loving @lanolips Mulberry already. It's going to be a staple.
Behold: my lunch. #megasandwich
Hair slathered in @LushAustralasia Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze, and topknotted. Hubbahubba.
I did my nails today too. Blue sparkles.
Gave some wool to Scott's aunt, who's having chemo and is knitting like mad. Today I come home to this. #sotouched
I'm having both a good hair day, and a good slap day. This required documentation.
Just took the top layer of our wedding cake out of the freezer 
Am now doing Milkyfoot. Dog won't come near me, the acid smell makes him sneeze. He's sitting forlornly by the Wii.
This is happening now, with dinner.
And on a random note: these are so wrong but so yummy.
@tweetmayatweet It's looooooong
How can you not love this face?! Mid-yawn. Awwwwww.
How can you not love this face?! Mid-yawn. Awwwwww.
Wedding outfit and FOTD
Watching Wilfred. Scott has realised that when he turns his hoodie inside out, it looks like Wilfred. #awesome #wilfred
Do we likey jacket?

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