Summer beats the shit out of winter.
I know I'll end up in Florida like an old Jew. How ironic.
Was shooting at 200 YDS. The blast makes you feel like you have the flu for 5 seconds. It's insane. Fun!
Btw, thank you for the pothole repair Mayor Bloomberg. Took a bite out of my Escalade rim. Owch.
The .50 BMG next to the .223
Ready to tear some shit up at the range. Even I think this rifle is reduculous. The rounds made me LOL
Finally, the one I've been waiting.
The latest edition to the collection.
The Barrett 50 Cal.
Oh, for the folks asking why am
I wasting my time tweeting on a beautiful day, I can multi task.
FA-18's over my makes me not mind taxes so much. I'd rather pay for one of these than a housing project.
America, fuck yeahhh.
Blue Angels over Jones Beach.
Loud and amazing.
Fucking finally. Screw everything, I'm relaxing.
Awww, look how comfy we both look.
It's almost as if we can tell what the other is thinking.
Well, here's me AGAIN helping the downtrodden. I wish I was in AZ. I'd ask for his papers then call INS.
Layla's 2nd birthday. Shots all around.
Tonight on First 48...
Me and Mellinda at D&B's after our godsons Communion.
For an ex..she ain't so bad!
1517 people dead. Add a little's a game. We're a pisser.
Oh, and I had to pick up a li'l something.
A Wilson Combat Sentinel .45
It's a gun AND artwork.
Well, Danny is ready for the zombie invasion. Rock River Arms 5.56
Bad ass gun.
Hanging with Taylor. Hope I make it in to work tomorrow. If I do, I'll bring her.
Having a great time. :)
Keith wanted to see Meat Spin so badly, he put it on the computer here at the Borgata. Look at the count
Ugh, just trying to get home sir!
Almost done. Not bad.
That's right. Change my tire homes.
Yup, in my driveway. Fancy fuck don't turn lug nuts no mo.
Shelby weather. Finally. Realease the Kracken. Full tank of gas and Keith on speed dial.

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Anthony Cumia

New York

Anthony from the Opie And Anthony Show.


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