Dx w/ Stage III, Triple neg IBC . 8 rds chemo, double mastectomy, 33 radiation treat.  alive & kicking!#GreysAnatomy
@wearejacksonms The leak that was “fixed” had burst again. And yes we’ve already called.
@djyoungvenom They can stay at my house because...
@wearejacksonms Trying to get someone over here.  A truck rode by.
@WLBT still no relief.  who can I contact about a story?
@WLBT still trying to get some relief.  Who can I contact about a story?
@WLBT still trying to get some relief.  Who can I contact about a story?
@WLBT this is what they left after working on one area. Need assistance reaching someone at your station.
@wearejacksonms Can we get our leaks fixed?
@wearejacksonms Can we get our leaks fixed?
@WLBT This issue has been going on for a week, no one comes to look.  Our street has had several issues.
@WLBT Who can I speak with about ongoing water issues on our street?  This is from the weekend.  No one has come.

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