This guy just asked out the waitress...little did he know she was married...ouch...
Date night with  @ChristineBaker1 ...yes!!!
Going to see the civil wars tonight with  @SthrnLghts and  @ChristineBaker1 times...
Maybe the worst thing I have ever seen...
Our first major purchase as a couple...
Chic fila is a madhouse...apparently it's kids night...
Five minutes ago  @ChristineBaker1 asked me to look for washer/dryer...she really trusts me...
Scarfing down some chickfila before the second day of class...
@ChristineBaker1 's first day of class in Lynchburg...
Spicy chicken biscuit day from chic fila...amazing!
New York gets the ball, Alabama gets the moonpie...roll tide...
Playing bananagrams to usher in the new year...
I hate messing up new peanut looks so good...
Spending an evening with Maximus/robin hood/everything that is man...
Home alone tradition at  @TLGrubbs house...Christmas at it's best...and mr. Gary is here too...
Celebrating the morn of Xmas eve with this cat...
This guy's beard is out of control.   @Joshpoore
This guy's beard is out of control.   @Joshpoore
@ChristineBaker1 enjoying yogurt with a good looking man...
At the Hoover library...
@Joshpoore is a little teacup...nice...
Small group is about community, right?  @joshstahley  @bartbox77
This is on the bar at starbux...another reason I love this place
@ChristineBaker1 had a coupon...oh daddy!

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Austin Baker

iPhone: 30.301593,-87.634952

Christ follower. Married. Unemployed. That's about it.


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