I have voted on 2 paper ballots using a red pencil; Red Ams for city, Greenleft for district.
Oh ja, my polling station is coveniently located across from indian express. Democracy and Bartha, c u tonight!
Aww.. google.nl has the little voter checkbox today in honor of the elections.
Politburo is out in force to cheer on their star of the amsterdam lesbian volleyball league
Things one encounters when visiting a huge history buff and prolific linguist.
The massive stadionplein remodeling project began this morning with the delivery of the prefab offices #020 #at5
Two hours later, red august rises again and offending boat is now and the bottom of the canal. F the water police, Its thunderdome on the jacobvanL
Fuck fuckity fuck boat crisis, I'm taking a hammer to this other guys boat red august is suffering
Evidence of my frustration with NBC this morning. copywrong mf'ers!
Vote blanco campaign is getting around. (bilderdijkstraat) #at5 #020 #stemblanco
2am & Nuts pub quiz is still not over. My brain hurts.
Project hair helmet results in very little hair on my head.
-2 C and amsterdam's newest frisbee team is out here runin and gunin.
Whenever there's a winter storm in NYC we seem to get sympathy snow in amsterdam
Got to see @amsterdamized prize winning photo, in person.
Indoor beach ultimate = cold feet and bad lighting. But hey, there's plenty o sand.
Vondelpark with a good snow covering and @gabemac with honorary californian @marlooz
The cappuccino art of king Alexi. Greetings from Amsterdam noord.
I'm on meter reading duty and snooping around every corner of our squat school. Found some local proverbs.
Found a @michaelschaap movie poster, circa 1996!
Ah ha, Harper Collins India just sent me a copy of my friend Dilip D'souza's new book- Excitin'!
Vondelpark was a lil winterwonderland this morning. #020
Found myself trailing the Amsterdam Friday night skate crew, they are many, they are militant, they rock.
Guest playing for the home team down at USC-UVA. Bad idea to run like a fool after month of none running.

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