Not a good weekend for the AC to go out at home! #itsadryheat
I am a blessed man. #favoraintfair
Magic will happen with this mic today in the studio. Yes this mic is special...very special. #vintagekindof
Swimming machine!
Think of the possibilities! #haha
Sitting in the back today...#
Love it...#haveagreatday
I got to take my picture with 3 great men...#greatnight
Nothing like Arizona rain!
In a cab and yes that's a beeper. Can u still get beeper service? #thingsufindinacab
Are you kidding me! The bible says not even the angels or the Son know the time...
Uh oh!
What a great time in God's presence tonight...
Getting ready to lead worship tonight!
Getting ready to lead worship tonight!
This little girl wanted to show me a song she knows!
Oops here's the pic..
My gift from one of the soccer moms...Let's give the chubby coach some sugar...yay!
Love my boys...
Brotherly love...
They are doing some light programming for Easter at CFTN! Don't miss it!
Things are never boring at my house...
Crazy face!

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Phoenix, AZ

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