Fall spice cake! Mmmmmmm /cc @ChristmasBaking
Inspecting his hand.
Talking about chemistry with Jake. "so, wait. The acid hugs it to death?"
Turns out there's a small flaw in my "unicycle home" plan today. #dark
Shooting on-set at Zombie Casserole today.
A "real" battery, and one with an @InstaMorph molded replacement case. Pretty happy with results.
Ramen weather!
Teaching jake what having an office job is really like.
Guess what's not covered by my auto insurance?
It's possible that having your skin in direct contact with wet lime for 8 hours isn't good.
Printed with casein and playa dust.
Oh, my poor dining room...
He's assisting teaching the younger kids karate class now. I never thought he'd actually do it. #kidsAreAmazing
#I2FMM12 I do not think that word means what they think it means. #mislabeled
How I can tell my aunt loves me: moon cakes in the mail! Thanks @annemendelson
Puzzle: decipher these statements!
Does it get any more random than this?
Keys? Who needs keys?
Hangin' out with my model.
Aaaaand... Pong, running on the Arduino circuit Jake helped build.
Jake puts together his first electronic kit.
Turns out it takes a lot of effort to burn 15 years of back tax documents.

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Jorj Bauer

Philadelphia, PA

Geek, photographic artist, dad.

web www.jorj.org


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