@jakkaj Dude!
Uh oh. I may have to break in.
Oops. Angle grinder #fail
Spectacular sailing day on Sydney Harbour.
Skies are darkening over North #Sydney
Best @TweetDeck feature ever. Global filter FTW.
Is there anybody out there? #sydneymorningphoto
Just a little bit wrong.
Never let it be said that #autocad doesn't give you room to expand. Some ambitious base units of measurement there.
...re: last tweet - some irony.
I think the penalty should be much higher if you don't get any alcohol. ...wait, what?
Dammit! Missed out. :( #mumu
Tonight's #Sydney sunset #pano
Lobotomedia. Redefining the English language, one StupidĀ® at a time.
I was going to email this to you ...
Nice day for a game of cricket. <3 Sydney.
Not even standing room remains for @christhecoder's #web207 Silverlight session. #auteched
Talking Shop Downunder.  @rbanks54's podcast. #dev362  #auteched
@auteched Thanks for finally convincing me to adopt Keepass. Seriously WTF?  #auteched
@christhecoder Here 'tis! Search for "public trans Brisbane". Hope the presso is going well. Laptop still ok?
@shanemo sharing his Awesome in  #ARC202 #auteched
Sitting on the floor room only in  #ARC301 #auteched
Ow! My heart!  #auteched breakfast is nigh.
Do Not Miss: #ausvotes

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Ewen Wallace

Sydney. Australia

I design Broadcast TV stations in AutoCAD. I'm writing software that will automate the boring bits of this process and make install projects

web iCanHazDot.NET


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