Day 2 of burning my to be shredded backlog. I have papers going back to 2009.
@UrsulaV This was in my house last night. I put it back outside, but am wondering what it was.  Any ideas?
Did anyone else see this and think Serenity, or is it just me? #googlephone #firefly #browncoat
Lazy day.
I can't sleep, so here is a pic of Scarlett sleeping.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Just. No.
FUBAR #ohmyyy  @GeorgeTakei
@HutchingsJulie Two of my favorite things: booze and ice cream! I just bought this book if you need recipes.
I'm not sure if Pinterest wants me to actually go outside or to go outside vicariously through them.
Excuse me, shouldn't you be writing?
Rub my tummy, servant!
Resting up after playing tag.
@TheRealNimoy Looks like I'll be headed to @officedepot to get my Spock thumb drive. LLAP

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