goodnite. sleep tight. dont fall off the edge. #4lilkittens
just whn u think you're all alone. company shows up. #4lilkittens
jasmine. on the edge. #4lilkittens
jasmine. looking in. #4lilkittens
#4lilkittens jasmine nurses her kittens at least 3-4 times a day. wonder how much she eats? or how lil?
#4lilkittens jasmine gone thru quite some beating since I last saw her proper. dirty pink patches near d mouth. and a scab spot on her head?
#4lilkittens todays a first. jasmine d momma cat allowed me this close to her as she ate. hisses still. but hunger ruled over distrust.
kitty rescue. #4lilkittens
kitty corner. #4lilkittens
uh-oh kitty. #4lilkittens
#4lilkittens earlier today. east got himself trapped in a water feature trough on site. momcat cldnt get to him.
nausea. marmite do your job. #noweating
air-flown tuhau! thanks @paraglidaholic :-)
why its banana bread monday too. fresh from d oven!
macaron mondays. yes please. #noweating
i bet this fruit uncle makes a ton of money. quite d mad chopper too. lol. serves d best fruit rojak on this side of town.
huddled at my desk. i turn around. lo & behold. a ball of bubbles. #bubbsandme
organized chaos. #FB
leftover chocolate rum fondue. come to momma. #noweating
oh hello! a luxury beach resort started following one of my #pinterest boards. thts a first. loved wanderin & gettin lost in @FSLangkawi
im allergic to Tuesday. stay away. #FB
before u recycle those enercal/baby formula tins.. consider reusing d lids on ur bowls for leftovers. b surprised hw snug they can be. #green #lifehack
feelin rather guilty eating mochi tht travelled frm japan to UK then to msia. but tastes so good. of cherry blossoms in spring. #mochilove
got my paws on a limited edition of LOCAL by alex lee. lets talk city. #betterKL #bettercities #FB

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