Hey sweetie! Sorry it took so long to get the picture to you, but here it is, as promised❤
Kai looks very wise! Baby has Bern laying around with her legs open to cool off lately. She looks so funny!
I just wanted 2 say hi & check & make sure you're ok! I hope things R going a little better! Thinking of you♡ Xoxo
@SuspendedShexy I know...shame on me...here she is in all her glory!
As always, sending love and well wishes❤ Take care!!!
Hi!!! I'm sending a better picture of Princess today(: It's so hard to get her to pose! She doesn't understand the idea of sitting still!
Please get some rest and let me know if I can help in any way! I've sent a picture of Princess eating french fries to make you smile(: XO
Sunset at the beach❤
I will send a picture of baby every day with my messages❤ Relax and enjoy your day! I can't wait to hear about your first day at work! ❤♡❤
Thank you! Give Kai a kiss from me! Today Baby was playing in a paper bag- so cute!
I keep forgetting to tell you I ♡ the picture of your cat! I have an all white kitty too! What's your cat's name?
I am your biggest fan! My name is Baby ♕Princess♕ Gracie Lee❤ Just wanted to wish you happy hunting❢ Meow❤

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