Saw this cute little chap yesterday. He didn't have much money but he had a lot of style.
Saw this cute little chap yesterday. He didn't have much money but he had a lot of style.
#Acrocats! Live and in purr son!
How I fill out rude questionnaires...the sequel
How I fill out rude questionnaires
Memory foam bath mat. Ironic. If I were a bathmat I think there would be a lot I would want to forget.
Had a quick chat about my book with the super nice & funny #JimCarrey while learning about his new kids book #BEA2013
At a #woman's #author event. Totally packed! Totally rocks!
Okay, the lineup for @ChelseaHandler is about 50 times longer than I thought it was a minute ago.
Listening to @chealseahandler make the crowd laugh @bookexpoamerica
Thank you to the Next Generation Indie Awards for recognizing my #book How to Start in Stand Comedy with two medals.
#Bjork and the airbag dress. #Ford Motor Co. just found a new biz line #BjorksavesDetroit
Things wrong with this world: #Bjorks hair. Princess Amidala  meets Ronald #McDonald #betI'llgetsomeMcDscoupons4this
I see my photo is still up at Exposures photo studio (pic with light reflection)
Best Green Ever! #comedybar
If this is a turkey, it would have been better if it showed up a few days earlier #goodeating
Dog mysteriously glued to woman's leg #weirdthingsinmyparentshousebesidesme #fb
Beaver eats Santa photo #weirdthingsinmyparentshousebesidesme #fb
Who buys these, how do you walk in them, and show me the man who is worth it #fb
My blog is showing that I have 670 followers. I took a pic for evidence :) #fb
Joel Cohen, writer for The Simpsons, and me, just hanging out today, 'cause that's how I roll ;)

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Chris MacLean

Toronto, Canada

Writer, comedian, co-producer of The Comedy Cabaret; secretly addicted to kitten videos



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